If you are one of those people who doesn’t like to network and would do anything to get out of it, here’s dozens of reminders why it’s important to you and your growth.
Connecting, and building a powerful network, is not only good for your business it's absolutely crucial to its success. The bigger your network, the more influence you have, the more resources you would have available to you, and the more attractive you will be to other people.
If you are one of those people who doesn’t like to network and would do anything to get out of it, here’s dozens of reminders why it’s important to you and your growth. READ MORE >>> By Travis Bradbury When it comes to productivity it’s the little things that make the difference… Ever notice why some people seem to have twice the time as others? Yet there are only 24 hours in every day. Thomas Edison once said, “Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.” Since we all wish to get more from life, there’s no better way to accomplish this than by finding ways to do more with the time you have been given. Super Successful People Do this Every Day… 1. They Fight the Tyranny of the Urgent 2. They never touch the same things twice 3. They start their days with the least appealing things first 4. They don’t multitask 5. They get ready for tomorrow before they leave the office 6. They stick to their schedule during meetings 7. They say No 8. They only check email at designated times 9. They put technology to work for them READ MORE>>> Please see the attachment below for your copy of the January 11, 2017 General & Executive Session meeting agendas. They will also be posted in the common area at the bulletin board near the corner of Humber Dr. and Long Valley. All homeowners are welcome to the General Session Meetings.
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